Opposition: Orbán’s inflation is causing people increasing suffering

“Prime Minister Orbán’s inflation is causing the people increasing suffering,” the shadow finance minister of the opposition Democratic Coalition (DK) told a press conference on Saturday.

Zoltán Bodnár insisted that shops were “full of desperate buyers” while “many are dreading to receive their utility bills”. He said food prices had increased by 40 percent since last year, and insisted that “such inflation has not hit Hungary since the (communist) Rákosi era” of the early 1950s.

Bodnár said the government was “profiteering” through “Europe’s highest, 27 percent, VAT on the misery of the Hungarian people”. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s claim that price caps will rein in inflation “is a lie”, he said, and insisted that introducing further caps was not more than “eyewash” and would but further increase inflation. “Immediate measures are needed to stop Orbán’s disastrous inflation.”

Bodnár demanded that the VAT on basic food products should be reduced to nil at present, than it could be increased to 5 percent in April. The VAT on household gas and electricity should also be reduced to 5 percent, he said.

The government’s utility subsidies should be rolled out to all SME’s, while such highly profitable businesses as “casinos owned by businesspeople close to the government” should be taxed, Bodnár said. He also proposed that a target date should be set for the introduction of the euro in the interest of stabilising the forint’s exchange rate.

MOL fuel station lukoil
Read alsoSerious fuel shortage expected in Hungary from next week: here are the details

Source: MTI


  1. PASSIVE in terming ROCKETING Inflation on MILLIONS as “increasing in suffering.”
    It’s an HORRENDOUS growing debilitating factor in millions of Hungarians daily lives.
    Don’t “skim” around the edges – in this case the Shadow Finance Minister of the Opposition Democratic Coalition (DK).
    Rocketing inflation in Hungary, take time and read Hungary’s inflation compared to countries of Europe, then after you have done your Home-work – go into a comment phase, that readers can at least afford you respect and pass comment that he or she knows what they are talking about.
    Hungary – across the broadness of our Economic & Financial componentry, it clearly STANDS OUT – we are in a Cataclysmic MESS.
    Inflation – is a component of the Economy, that is inclusive in the MESS.
    Speak – who ever from the Opposition Democratic Coalition – with CANDOUR, that is FACTUAL and as a commentator or as a spokesperson, the subject that is being PRESENTED to readers, be CONVINCING – that HOMEWORK has been done and that you they are abreast, in this case of the DESTRUCTION to Millions of Hungarians lives, through this RISING Inflation – the factual pain, hardship and suffering – it is inflicting/causing.

  2. There are set rules for joining the Euro – and our Politicians were never seriously interested:

    The so-called Euro convergence criteria are five economic and legal indicators designed to ensure economic convergence between interested non-euro area countries with the Member States of the euro area.

    The criteria include price stability, sound and sustainable public finances, long-term interest rate and exchange rate stability.


    Oops. We are miles away!

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